Nuestro objetivo México, nuestra meta el mundo.

Statistical Information may 2024

Statistical information

July 2024 with closing information for the first quarter of 2024

Analysis prepared by CANAINTEX.

In each section you will find infographics with relevant data.

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Table of Contents

Total Mexican Exports of Textile and Apparel Products

Millions of Dollars

The value of exports from january to October 2024 increased by 2% compared to the same period in 2023.

There are companies in the Textile-Apparel industry that are vertically integrated from yarn manufacturin to the final product.

In October 2024, exports grew by 6% comparred to the same month in 2023.

Total Esports. Main Textile-Apparel Exports

Millions of dollars

Mexico’s foreing trade is affected by the depreciation of the exchange rate (21%), which impacts the percentage variation compared to previous years.


From January to October 2024, the main export products accounted for 61%: non wovens 17%, fabrics 13%, technical textiles 12%, carpets 10%, and coated fabrics 9%.


During the same period in 2024, exports
were mainly comprised of pants and t-shirts,
which together accounted for 39% of the
In this period, pants saw a 2% growth, t-
shirts 1%, and curtains and skirting boards
0.1%, compared to the same period in 2023.

Total Exports. Main destination countries for Mexican exports

Millions of dollars

Exportaciones totales.
Principales países de destino de las exportaciones mexicanas.
Millones de dólares

From January to October 2024, the total exports amounted to 7, 307 million USD, with 91% of textile and apparel products being shipped to the united states (6,676 million USD).

The other countries with the highest participation during this period are:

  • Canada, 69 million USD.
  • El Salvador, 66 million USD.
  • Guatemala, 59 million USD.

Total Exports. Main destination countries for Mexican exports

Millions of dollars

Exportaciones acumuladas al cuarto trimestre de 2023, por Entidad Federativa.

Millones de dólares (Mdd)

As of the second quarter of 2024, the states with the highest share in textile industry exports are:

  • Coahuila, 175 million USD.
  • Puebla, 117 million USD.
  • Mexico State, 107 million USD.

Regarding the Apparel Industry, as of the second quarter of 2024, the three leading exporting states are:

  • Baja California, 258 million USD.
  • Coahuila, 253 million USD.
  • Puebla, 167 million USD.

United States Imports of Textile and Apparel Products

Mexico’s foreign trade is affected by the
depreciation of the exchange rate
(21%), which impacts the percentage
variation compared to previous years.

During the period from January to September 2024, Mexico ranked as the fifth
trading partner of the United States in terms of Textile-Apparel sector imports,
with a value of 3,864 million USD.

Currently, China is the main trading partner of the United States. During this
period, imports of textile and apparel products from this country reached a value
of 21,025 million USD, representing a 3% growth compared to the same period
last year.

The main goods imported by the United States from other countries were pants,
sweaters, t-shirts, and coats, which together accounted for 38% of the country’s
total imports.

Importaciones de Estados Unidos Por País de Origen

Principales productos importados de Estados Unidos

Total Mexican imports of textile and apparel products

Millions of dollars

From January to April 2024, imports of textile and apparel products
reached 11,154 million USD, representing a 13% increase compared to
the same period last year. In contrast, compared to the same period in
2022, there was a decrease of 9%

Importaciones mexicanas de la Industria Textil - Confección

Mexico’s foreign trade is affected by the
depreciation of the exchange rate
(21%), which impacts the percentage
variation compared to previous years

Total Imports. Main textile and apparel imported products

Millions of dollars

From January to October 2024, the textile products with the highest share in imports are plain fabrics with 17%, now woven fabrics with 15%, coated fabrics with 13%, and filament fabrics with 11%, together representing 56% of the total.

Of the apparel products, the ones with the highest share are pants with 18%, t-shirts with 12%, sweaters with 10%, and surgical towels with 7%, wich together represent 47% of the total imports.

Total Imports. Main countries of origin of Mexican imports

Millions of Dollars

Imports, Textile Sector

The main country of origin is the United States, with a share of 42% of the total value of imports.

Imports, Apparel Sector:

They mainly come from China, representing 40% of the total

Imports, Textile-Apparel Sector:

Four countries account for 67% of the total imports: China (37%), the United States (18%), Vietnam (7%), and Bangladesh (5%)

Trade Balance of the Textile-Apparel Industry for the last year

In the period from January to October 2024, the Trade Balance showed a deficit of- 3,847 million USD. Imports reached 11,154 million USD, while exports totaled 7, 307 million USD.

Mexico’s foreign trade is affected by the depreciation of the exchange rate (21%), which impacts the percentage variation compared to previous years.

Balanza comercial de la Industria Textil - Confección

Textile-Apparel GDP

PIB Textil-Confección (Millones de pesos)

En el primer trimestre del 2024, el PIB manufacturero fue de más de 5,118,363 mdp, de estos, la Industria Textil-Confección aportó 90,950 mdp y representa el 1.8%.

Aportación de la Industria Textil – Confección al PIB Manufacturero

PIB de la Industria Textil – Confección por Trimestre

Composition of GDP, Subsectors

Para el proceso de productos confeccionados se requieren de hilo, tejidos planos, tejidos de punto, no tejidos y pasamanerías, entre otros.

Los productos confeccionados  representan el 54% del PIB de la Industria Textil-Confección.

El PIB de la Industria Textil-Confección no ha podido alcanzar el nivel de producción del periodo del primer trimestre de 2019, ya que actualmente, el sector muestra una disminución del -21%.
La confección es el subsector más afectado al registrar un descenso del -28% respecto al primer trimestre del 2019.

Formal employment in recent years

Cantidad de empleos formales de la Industria Textil – Confección

En el mes de  mayo de 2024, se registró alrededor de 1.2 millones de empleos, de los cuales el 67% son informales y 33% son formales.

De marzo de 2019 a mayo de 2024, se han perdido 83 mil empleos formales, de los cuales 75 mil empleos formales se perdieron en agosto de 2020.

La mayoría de los empleos formales pertenecen al sector de la Confección. En mayo de 2024 este sector registro 260 mil empleos, y representan el 67% del  empleo formal.

Se destaca que el sector Textil es intensivo en capital, mientras que el sector de la Confección lo es en mano de obra. Por cada empleo creado en la industria Textil se pueden generar 4 empleos para la Confección, por lo cual la Industria Textil impulsa el crecimiento del empleo en la cadena.

Share of women in formal employment

De las Industrias Manufactureras, el Sector Textil-Confección es donde existe la mayor participación de mujeres, del cual, en la fabricación de productos confeccionados es la de mayor participación en el empleo formal con 59%.

Participación de Mujeres en el empleo

Distribution of formal employment by federal entity

